AI For Good

AI and robots should be used for the benefit of humanity, we just have to be careful and keep AI ethics and safety in mind. Robots can be used for many tasks which would be too time consuming or expensive for humans to do, such as taking care of the elderly who may not be able to take care of themselves. Oftentimes elderly people rely on their children or caretakers to take care of them, but that can be expensive or the children may not have the time or skill to properly take care of them. In this case, using robots could help mitigate these problems while allowing other people to have the time to do other things. 

Another way AI can help humans is by being unbiased and anonymous. However, this does require that the people making the AI follow AI ethics and safety and are as unbiased as possible. For example, 1 in 3 women in South Africa suffer from domestic abuse, and traditional call centers are not very helpful since they are typically only open Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, and many callers feel afraid of judgement. However, AI can be used for the same benefit while being open 24/7 and being completely anonymous. This clearly shows that AI and robots have many practical applications which can benefit humanity, as long as we focus on making them safe and ethical.

AI can also help in medical fields, such as fertility treatment. New AI technologies have helped develop ‘revolutionary’ new IVF (In vitro fertilization) techniques because it can quickly analyze embryos in minutes and rule out those with flaws or better predict which pregnancies are at risk of disorders. This greatly benefits women who would like to go through IVF, as AI can help make it safer and reduce the risk of any major complications. This also saves lots of time and manpower, as instead of having a human doctor look through the embryos and check for defects, AI can do it in just minutes. 

Overall, AI has many applications for being used in a manner to benefit humanity and science-fiction stories about AI taking over the world will not be accurate, as long as we focus on following proper safety guidelines when developing AI. If we can do that, AI has no limits towards the good it can do towards humanity.

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Robots and AI Should Be Used to Help Humanity

AI and robots should be used for the benefit of humanity, we just have to be careful and keep AI ethics and safety in mind. Robots can be used for many tasks which would be too time consuming or expensive for humans to do, such as taking care of the elderly who may not be able to take care of themselves. Oftentimes elderly people rely on their children or caretakers to take care of them, but that can be expensive or the children may not have the time or skill to properly take care of them. In this case, using robots could help mitigate these problems while allowing other people to have the time to do other things.

Another way AI can help humans is by being unbiased and anonymous. However, this does require that the people making the AI follow AI ethics and safety and are as unbiased as possible. For example, 1 in 3 women in South Africa suffer from domestic abuse, and traditional call centers are not very helpful since they are typically only open Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, and many callers feel afraid of judgement. However, AI can be used for the same benefit while being open 24/7 and being completely anonymous. This clearly shows that AI and robots have many practical applications which can benefit humanity, as long as we focus on making them safe and ethical.

Mega Charizard Y Card Stolen

I experienced a pivotal moment in my life at the young age of 8 years old, that fundamentally altered the way I viewed trust and skepticism. It all began with the discovery of a Mega Charizard EX card in a pack from Target, an extremely rare and valuable card in the Pokemon community. Little did I know that this encounter would teach me a valuable lesson about the power of belief and the importance of skepticism.

At school the next day, I proudly displayed my newfound card at school, and received lots of jealousy and attention from my peers. However, an older kid, who seemed like a seasoned collector, approached me with a dubious claim. He insisted that the card was a fake, holding it up to the light as “proof” that it was fake. Vulnerable to his confident demeanor, I reluctantly agreed to trade my prized possession for a completely worthless card, some random card he picked which was supposedly more valuable than my “fake” card. Thinking back, it wouldn’t make any sense that my card was fake because I literally bought it and opened it myself from the store. 

A few days passed, and the older kid approached me once again and revealed the truth — my Mega Charizard EX was genuine all along. I cried and begged the teacher to give me my card back, but she said that I had said “no trade backs” and she couldn’t help me with this.

This event in my life left an enduring impact on my beliefs. It instilled in me a sense of skepticism that continues to shape my approach to life. I learned to question claims, seek evidence, and critically evaluate information before accepting it as truth. This experience has made me a more discerning and analytical individual, reminding me that trust should be earned, not naively granted.

High School Is Very Stressful

Source: Oxford Learning –

As a student in high school in 2023, I believe that school is more stressful than it’s ever been. With the rise of social media and the internet, there are more distractions for high schoolers today than at any other point in history. Though the internet can prove to be an invaluable resource, it also increases stress and affects the mental health of high schoolers today.

Constant exposure to distressing news and events on social media platforms can lead many high school students to feel hopeless about their future prospects; this sense of hopelessness hinders their motivation to excel academically. On these social media platforms, there is always someone seemingly better, stronger, smarter, or more attractive, fostering unrealistic expectations that weigh heavily on this generation’s shoulders. This perpetual comparison fuels stress and anxiety.

High school has also become less about learning valuable skills and knowledge, and more about getting the best grades and scores. However, this is bad for the mental health of students today because many will feel inadequate or lost when thrown into the “real world”, where test scores are not as important as other life skills, such as proper communication.

The coronavirus pandemic has also contributed to students feeling more unmotivated because they essentially didn’t go to school for nearly 2 years, which can cause it to be very difficult once they are thrown into high school, especially for the juniors and seniors of the 2023 school year. 

It is a common belief amongst the older generations that the younger generation is “lazy” or “unmotivated” but they fail to consider the factors which have caused this, primarily being the rise of social media and the internet as well as the coronavirus pandemic. In the end, it is important to understand what high schoolers today are going through, and that it is something which hasn’t been experienced by any other generation except ours.